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          dailyhoroscope    Scorpio

    Scorpio symbolizes desire, enthusiasm, love and worries. This sign represents curiosity, research and hidden abilities.

Scorpio adores power, solidity and authority. He could be a president, a business manager or an officer. He also could make a successful doctor, lawyer, social reformer, psychiatrist or political commentator.

Scorpio is stubborn, hard worker, conservative and secretive and leads an energetic life. He is sensitive and has strong hunch.

Scorpio has a great capacity to work hard but he gets confused when faced with some changes. He could get nervous or mad when he loses control on his mood.

It is sometimes difficult for Scorpio to express his love and feelings, he rather appears to be a mocker because of his psychological struggle.

Scorpio's criticisms are rude and could cause nervous reactions. He is able to build as much as he is able to destroy.

Scorpio's excitements are strong and his hunch helps him to predict and see the unseen.

In love, Scorpio is passionate. He is described as the unforgettable lover. But he is jealous, possessive, and careful and at the same time he is loyal and generous.

In friendship, Scorpio is excellent. He can keep the secrets of his friends in idealistic silence and he expects the same in return.

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