Submitted by Samer
A 'program' is a new cabinet policy
To its 'web' of lies Lebanon is used.
An 'application' you fill for US visa,
A 'cursor' you become when refused.
'Attachment', when a girl is going steady;
A 'site' is land for the new house.
'Tools' is a plumber's working kit'
Kids want the story of the 'mouse'.
'Kilobyte' one shouldn't bite in public;
He 'unloads' a truckful of hash.
'Excel' is a craftsman's best project,
As he hides it in a secret 'cache'.
'Software' for a baby's clean underclothes
'Microsoft' for his silky skin;
The 'pad' an absorbent diaper
to block 'hotmail' seeping in.
An 'appel' was a doctor's prescription,
'Makintosh' was an English raincoat.
'Favourites' was a list of savoury dishes;
Who cares about 'online support'.
You 'verify' the bill from the waiter;
Your 'password' for restricted speak-easy.
'C.D.' is a rich bride's dowry,
Whose 'drive' makes the in-laws crazy.
You 'copy' with blue carbon paper,
You 'load' wood logs on donkeys.
'Compress' is what corsets do to ladies
To look 'configured' like monkeys.
I advise you to stick with pad and pencil
And the 'memory' stored in your head.
Forget about 'cache' and 'computer crash'
And write all your notes in bed.