A doctor on his rounds in a mental hospital sees
a couple of patients behaving rather strangely.
The first man is sitting on the edge of his bed
clutching an imaginary steering wheel and
making loud noises not unlike a 18 wheel Mack
"Vrroooom, vrrroooomm... Screeeech.....
"What are you doing?" enquires the doctor.
"I'm taking this road hog down to Barcelona," replies
the ex-trucker.
Somewhat taken aback but not to be put off, the doctor moves
on to the next bed where he can see some very energetic activity
going on underneath the covers.
On pulling them back he finds a man totally naked face down
into the mattress....humping and bumping.
"And what are you doing?" asks the doctor,
a little perplexed.
"Well," pants the man, "While he's in Barcelona,
I'm screwing his wife."