submitted by Phil
You have all seen the reaction of Abu-el-Abed to new websites, when he took up 2 websites: for winter, and www.Abu-el-Abed.nisscom for Summer.
Now , he is expandind in e-mail addresses :
Abu-El-Abed has decided to live in Alaska.
His e-mail address : ekht.hal.bared@tchoum
Abu-el-Abed has divorced from Em-el-Abed.
His e-mail : free@last
Abu-el-Abed has been appointed Honorary member
of the World Pedophile Association.
His e-mail : mafi.ahla.minel@fal
Abu-el-Abed is feeling depressed.
You can join him at : kell.shi@eezi
Abu-el-Abed has become dislexic.
His e-mail : zaffeh.bil@rash
Abu-el-Abed has undergone a critical mouth surgery.
Cheer him up by sending him a message to wouleh.sketo@achouli_lsani
Abu-el-Abed has become a demonstration leader.
E-mail him at : adma.sarrakhoo.sort@rash
Abu-el-Abed is in Yerevan.
He has decided to become armenian. Abu-el-Abdian.
His e-mail :