There were these three guys who were flying over
three of the provinces.
First they flew over British Columbia, and they dropped an apple out the window.
They finished their flight and landed. They saw a
man in the street laughing for a long time. They
asked him 'What's the matter?'. The man replied
'An apple just came out of nowhere and hit me on
the head!!'.
Next they flew over Alberta, and dropped a pear.
They finnished their flight again and landed.
Again, they saw a man laughing like crazy! They
asked him 'What's the matter?'. He replied 'A pear
just came out of nowhere and hit me on the head!'
Last, they flew over Manitoba, and dropped a bomb!
They finished their flight one last time, and
landed. To their surprise, another man was
laughing uncontrollably! They asked him 'What's
the matter?'
The man replied 'I farted and my house blew up!'