1.Those male models with perfect bodies are all gay.
Accept it.
2.He heard you the first time.
3.You know, you can ask him out too... Let's spread
the rejection around a little.
4.If you truly want honesty, don't ask questions you
don't really want the answer to.
5.Of course he wants another beer.
6.The guy doesn't always have to sleep on the wet spot.
7.Dogs good. Cats bad.
8.Any sort of injury involving the testicles is not funny.
9.If he has to sit through "Legends of the Fall",
you have to sit through "Showgirls".
10."Fine." is not an acceptible way to end an argument.
11.Do not question a man's innate navigational abilities
by suggesting he stop for directions.
12.He was not looking at that other girl.
  1.Well, okay... maybe a little.
  2.Okay, so what! He was looking at her. Big deal.
  Like you never looked at another guy...